ok..its like not just one bad thing can happen to me at a time..if something bad happens..ten more bad things have to follow it. i'm stressed yet again..haha. my money finally went through so i don't owe any more money..sure you're thinking i should be happy with that and i am but when i went to try to pick up my exta $1024 they wouldn't give it to me. they say that i can't get it until march which is a bunch of shit cause its my money and they gave melody all of hers..i hate this school..so i've been pissed about that all day. then when i went to spanish class i forgot my backpack in my room..so me and melody have to try to come back and get my bad and get back to class within like 15 minutes..that's not happening so we just layed out of that class..then i went to lay down and my sister calls and says that my aunt opened a letter that i got in the mail saying that i'm on academic review..i hate my aunt..what a bitch. ok so that's only three bad things but its stressin me out really bad..cause i have no money to buy my english books..no money period..and now my whole family is going to be on my back about this whole me failing all of my classes thing. i'm sure that things could be a lot worse for me..which they probably will get wrose..this is probably just the start of the bad things..i have bad luck..oh well fuck it i guess..life will go on. that's what's been going on today..great day!!..i'm gonna go now..later!!!